Spring is undoubtedly the best time to get out in the garden. Make the most of this weekend by tackling these simple and easy spring gardening jobs, and enjoy the best of the season while preparing for the upcoming warmer months.

Whether you’re a gardening pro or just dipping your toes into the dirt, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of clearing the debris of last season to prepare for the season ahead. Here’s a list of tasks to help you get your garden into shape.


To get your grass going, get out the garden fork or lawn aerator sandals (if you’re so lucky) and aerate your lawn. The idea behind this is so that water, air and nutrients can more easily get into the holes you’ve created.

There’s no real technique to this, just make sure nowhere gets missed, and if you overlap by 50% that’s also fine. Apply your favourite quality top soil or top dressing afterwards to get the nutrients right into the ground.


Spring is the perfect time to plant just about anything. Check your city to assess what climate zone you live in before you plant crops, as certain plants will thrive better in certain environments. Generally, the further north of New Zealand you go, the warmer and more tropical the climate is, whereas south of the island, the temperature is much cooler with frosts. To prepare your garden beds or veggie patches for crops, lay some green manure down. Green manure improves soil structure, water retention and draws minerals up through the soil, making them more available to plants. If you’re planting in GreenWalls, now is the perfect time to sow your herb seeds.


Before the growing season gets into full swing, just about everything will appreciate a good dose of fertiliser. Use specialist fertilisers for roses, citrus and orchids as they contain the particular nutrients these plants need. The 450ml QuikMix Spray Gun can be used to apply the fertilizer directly into the garden.Rake up leaves and dirt that has built up around the veggie patch to help discourage pests and diseases. Leaf mould can be used as mulch, a soil improver, or mixed into homemade compost, making it a versatile addition to your garden.


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