Show your appreciation this Mother’s Day to the green-thumbed mums in your life with our handpicked selection of thoughtful and practical gifts, perfect for gardening.

From tools to accessories, we have practical Mother’s Day gifts for every mum who loves to dig in the dirt and tend to her beloved plants. Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day by nurturing her gardening passion!


WX1 tap timer automatically turning on a sprinkler system
Smart moisture sensor with prongs pushed into soil for accurate readings. These readings are tracked to your smartphone

Make their time in the garden more convenient and efficient with a smart tap timer. Easily set automated watering schedules for their plants ensuring they receive the right amount of water at the right time. Our WX1 Tap Timer can be adjusted and monitored all from a smartphone, anytime, anywhere with a wi-fi connection. Pair with a Smart Moisture Sensor and let Mum always keep track of her garden’s needs. A practical gift she will appreciate!


Charcoal 20m Hose Reel installed in the garden
10m Hose Reel installed in side yard

If they have a large garden, why not upgrade them to a retractable hose reel? Its smooth retraction and auto rewind mechanism makes it the perfect gift for easier hand watering. Our retractable hose reels include hose fittings, a multi-function spray gun and are simple to install. Available in our classic look or our new 20m Retractable Charcoal Hose Reel.


Practical Mother's Day Gifts RGB Path Light
beautiful large backyard lit up at night by warm white garden lights

Bring some magic into their garden this Winter with our range of outdoor lighting. Available in RGB Colour or Warm White, garden lights are an easy solution to bringing life and ambience to your garden at night. Not only does it improve home security, but it can also enhance their garden’s natural aesthetic by highlighting key features and plant textures. Our outdoor lights are rated to a 12V Plug + Socket system, meaning no electrician required for install!


Vertical garden full of shade loving ferns
man reaching up to instal plants into vertical garden

Nothing says ‘Thank You’ quite like a wall full of plants! Our Vertical GreenWall® is an easy way to add greenery to any area of the garden and enhance an outdoor area. Its modular system is easy to expand with removable pots for easier access. With an irrigation system included for easy watering, our Vertical GreenWall® is the complete system to create a living garden wall!


Watering flower garden with multi function spray gun
Watering lawn with brass nozzle and connector set

Our range of spray guns gives Mum versatility and control in her gardening tasks. Whether she needs a gentle mist for delicate flowers or a powerful jet for cleaning, a watering spray gun offers multiple spray patterns and adjustable water flow, making it a versatile tool for any watering needs. It’s easy to use, ergonomic, and efficient, providing Mum with comfort and convenience as she tends to her beloved plants.

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